let us educate you on kitchen cabinets and design your project

Kitchen cabinets, counter tops, plumbing, tile, hardwood , vanities
Kitchen cabinets, counter tops, plumbing, tile, hardwood , vanities
Taking time to get to know our customers is the first step in the design process and the cornerstone of any project no matter the size and budget. Discovering the needs of each family, their lifestyle and how they hope to live in this new space is the key to superior design.
Our design team consist of both owners.
Susan Deffaa and Jim Hubbard have more than 60 years experience in kitchen and bath design.
After spending time learning about you and your needs, the design process begins. Jim or Susan will produce conceptual drawings of your spaces in a 3D perspective format so the design details come to life. Once you have had an opportunity to view these drawings and refine the design as needed, it is time to complete the design work and establish a budget for your project.
A job site visit will most likely be needed to confirm accurate dimensions of the spaces being worked on and to discuss any further design details in your “real life” space. At this point pictures may be taken as a visual aid to finalize your design work, and before and after pictures on remodeling projects are always great to have!
Customer service is priority one for us. We know you have many options in the marketplace to choose from. Our goal is to provide superior design and customer service so Creative Kitchen and Bath Studio is your one and only choice when it comes to cabinetry and countertops for your home.